1️⃣ Browse and book your trailer/equipment
Select the trailer/equipment that best suits your needs. Upon verifying availability, pick the date and time desired for pick-up and drop-off. Continue onto the checkout process where you will promptly need to provide proof of insurance and proof of a valid drivers license. After documentation is provided, the equipment rental fee and deposit is paid in full, and now you’re booked!
2️⃣ Collect your trailer with lockbox code
Upon completing your reservation you’ll be given a code to a lock box that is placed on each individual unit. Inside contains the keys that will unlock the installed trailer hitch lock and tool box containing all the rigging to tackle any project. Hook up to your tow vehicle, verify electrical connections (check all light's work), safety chains/emergency brake cable are properly secured and hitch is locked onto the ball. Don’t forget to stow the drop leg completely! Now you’re ready to roll!
3️⃣ Return your trailer with keys in the lockbox
Hopefully your rental was a smooth and safe success! Please return the trailer at the time selected within the booking. If rental unit is late, charges may apply as stated within the signed rental agreement. If any damage or issues occurred, please notify us immediately so we can promptly address the problem before the next customer. Return the unit in the parking spot you originally picked-up, un-stow the drop leg, unhook all necessary hardware, lock the hitch lock back into place, and return keys back inside the lock box. Your rental is complete and assuming there is no damage to the unit, your sec! Thank you again for choosing Granite Mountain Rentals to serve you and we hope to see you again soon!